
Former BBA boss Angela Knight ‘uncomfortable’ with bank’s decision to close the UK Independence party leader’s account over his views

Nigel Farage has praised the government following reports that ministers are considering passing new laws that would prevent banks shutting customers’ accounts because they disagree with their political views.

The former Ukip leader said MPs are “beginning to realise that this system is coming for them as well” after his bank accounts were closed by Coutts because his views “did not align with” its values.

Well done, the government. This is one of the swiftest interventions I’ve seen by government for many, many years.

And hat’s because this problem of the way banks have been behaving has been building up for years and years and years. Every MP will know of constituents, small businessmen and women who’ve literally been shut down by their banks with no reason given whatsoever.

If banks want to act as political parties and have political criteria, they should publish what their political criteria is before you can have their bank account. They should also make themselves accountable to the public.

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