
Chuck Schumer said Democrats will allow GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville a vote to repeal the Pentagon’s abortion policy, an attempt to unstick the Republican’s blockade of military promotions.

If Tuberville “wants to have an affirmative vote, we would not object to it. Tuberville said he wanted a vote, we’ll see what happens,” Schumer said Wednesday.

Tuberville has blocked quick consideration of more than 200 stalled military promotions, demanding that the Pentagon overturn its policy of providing paid leave to service members seeking an abortion. It’s unclear if Schumer’s offer of an amendment vote on the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act will be enough to lift the Alabama Republican’s hold. Democrats are also open to allowing Tuberville a standalone vote apart from the NDAA, a Democratic aide said.

The majority leader also didn’t rule out keeping the Senate in session into August to begin grinding through those promotions the long way. Lawmakers in both parties are antsy to find a solution to the blockade, which is prompting GOP discord and Democratic warnings about hurting national security. The chamber is scheduled to leave late next week for a five-week break.

“In terms of staying [through August], our first job is to pass NDAA and then we’ll see what happens and go from there,” Schumer said.

Despite those comments, Schumer made clear he thinks it’s Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s job to get Tuberville to stand down. McConnell is one of many Republicans who disagree with Tuberville’s tactic of stopping military promotions over a policy issue decided by top brass in the Biden administration.

“The bottom line is, it’s up to the Republican leadership. This is a problem that they have in their caucus, that they have with the country. They are risking our security and it’s up to them to fix it,” Schumer said.

McConnell took a more subdued approach on Wednesday, saying he’s “reluctant” to change Senate rules and precedent to get around Tuberville’s holds: “What typically happens is you work it out. And I think that’s where it ought to stay.” At the moment, members of both parties are wielding their senatorial powers to slow nominees as leverage with the Biden administration.

Tuberville has spoken to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin about the disagreement twice in the past week, albeit with no breakthrough. The Senate Armed Services Committee was briefed by the administration on the abortion policy on Wednesday, which also did not move the needle.

The Alabama first-term senator blocked an attempt by Democrats to move the military promotions on Wednesday evening and said the conversation with Austin included “no offer of a compromise.”

“I hate that we have to do this,” Tuberville said of his tactics, “but we’re going to stick with it.”

For senators looking for a way out, the defense bill an enticing off-ramp. Yet privately Republicans are worried a failed vote won’t satisfy Tuberville, and that’s exactly what Democrats are predicting would happen if there’s a vote on the Senate floor.

That vote could be at a simple majority threshold in the narrowly divided Senate, since it is germane to the defense bill, but even then the policy would likely fail with full Senate attendance.

“We do not think there are the votes to overturn the policy,” said Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.). “So if Sen. Tuberville wants a vote, I think he’ll get a vote. But I think he’ll lose.”

Daniella Diaz and Joe Gould contributed to this report.

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